About Us
In a way that is exact and clear, Floresa always pays attention to issues related to democracy, equitable development, ecology, indigenous peoples and social movements in Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
Founded in 2014, Floresa is attached to the tagline “Critical, Independent” to solidify our position in the middle of media pluralism and diversity. The tagline has become increasingly important amid recent developments, in which Flores has become one of the target areas for natural resource exploitation. Some of them are related to mining.
Flores Island has been one of mineral exploitation-based development targets since the early 2000s. Particularly the development of increasingly intensive geothermal power plants after the establishment of Flores as a “Geothermal Island”.
At the same time, the Indonesian government be about to make Flores the new epicenter of the national tourism industry with determination of Komodo National Park and its surroundings as a National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) with super-priority destination status.
Floresa focuses on these issues, which, despite providing opportunities for economic growth, its intensification brings with it the process of annexing natural resources, denying the rights of indigenous peoples, including evictions from their homelands, destruction of forests and seas, and conversion of the function of the conservation area into a tourism and mining business area. This asymmetrical power makes the encounter of the local and self-identity indigenous communities even more difficult. Through various forms of publication, be it news, features or analysis, we try to work together with diverse elements of civil society. In that way we can continue to grow and strengthen our self-reliance amid the inequity.